Our Palliative patients are cared for by a team of nurses who have had many years of experience in symptom control and pain management. Most have undergone formal education in this area and their expertise has contributed to the excellent reputation that we have earned within the community for the provision of Palliative Care.
The Director of the Western Palliative Care Service, Dr Roger Hunt, who is well known throughout South Australia for his Palliative Care expertise, is our visiting Palliative Care Specialist. In addition to admitting patients under his care, he is available to provide advice to other admitting doctors, and to nursing staff, on all aspects of Palliative Care.
Visiting hours are unrestricted for our Palliative patients and you may stay overnight with your loved one if you wish. We give you the opportunity to become involved and assist with the care of the patient if it is your desire to do so. If you have done this at home prior to admission, you may wish to continue doing so in the hospital.
The patient and family are both included in formulation of the plan of care and the nurses respond with compassion and sensitivity to the patient's psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical needs, as well as the needs of the family.
If the admission is for symptom control prior to returning home, our Nursing Staff will liaise with the Western Palliative Care Service and other community support services to ensure all support systems are in place prior to discharge so that the return to home is worry free.
Dr Roger Hunt ( Palliative Care )
Ph: 08 8222 6825
Level 9, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville Road